The Vespa Micro-fiber Polishing Cloths are a long lasting cleaning cloth for all scooters that can be used with or without polish. Vespa Micro-Fiber Cloths traps particles deep inside its fibers which are 2000 times finer than a human hair. This coth eliminates the need for harsh cleansers and too much polish. Vespa microfiber cloths last considerably longer than ordinary polishing cloths, and can be washed multiple times for a lasting, repeatable performance that you can rely on. From ultra-smooth cotton to lens quality micro-fiber, Keep your scooter finish clean everytime you use it.
Traps particles deep inside its fibers
Eliminates the need for cleansers
Lasts longer than ordinary cloths
Can be washed and re-used
Get one for every scooter and keep it safe in the glove box.